Pathfinder RPG (potentially) Frequently Asked Questions

I don't have any idea how to play Pathfinder, is that OK?

Yes. While the rules are many and complex, I can teach you everything you will need for this module during the event. If you can roll a die and add a couple numbers, you can play Pathfinder.

Can I learn the rules before the event?

You can read all of the Pathfinder RPG rules online for free at the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Reference Document (PRD). It's a free resource provided by Paizo as part of their Open Game License. Yes, all the rules are legally available for free. Nice, huh?

Can I purchase things with moneydollars?

Not from me. But yes, there are ways of spending cash and acquiring goods. The number one thing for anyone interested in Pathfinder is the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. This book contains all the rules you need to get going, as well as the 'fluff' that brings the world alive (and nice illustrations, too).

If you want to learn how to run Pathfinder RPG games, you will also probably want to pick up the Bestiary and maybe the Game Mastery Guide. There's also the Bestiary 2 if you need more monstery goodness.

Once you have the basics, the Advanced Player's Guide has many more options for creating characters, with new classes, new archetypes for old classes, new spells, feats, and equipment. It's really very good.

Also available are the new Ultimate Magic and Ultimate Combat books, each featuring a host of new content for spellcasters and their more mundane (yet no less effective) brethren.

All of those books are available in PDF format from or in wonderful deceased tree format at your local game, hobby, or comic shop. (And probably multiple places in the Con of the North vendor room!)

You really don't need all seven books! (Or any books at all) It's perfectly fine to get started with just a copy of the Core Rulebook or even just the PRD. Once you really start enjoying the game, there will be plenty of opportunities to send Paizo your hard earned goldbux.

You may also want some roleplaying dice. A twenty-sided die ("d20") is the most common, but you may also want four-, six-, and eight-sided dice (d4, d6, d8). There are others, but they are not very common. (Poor d12...)

Where can I ask questions about Paizo or Pathfinder?

The Paizo Messageboards are full of great information, discussion, humor, and very occasionally people getting cranky. (It's an internet forum, after all, but they are almost always nice and welcoming to new folks, and no question is stupid!)